From left to right: Bridget (Precious Moments),
Billy (a Berjusa baby), a Shirley Temple reproduction, porcelain doll, generic baby doll in bassinet in the foreground, Katie (a Berjusa baby), and Patsy Joan, a reproduction.
Here's a close-up of Katie and Patsy Joan. Katie modeled the baby bonnet I crocheted back in September.
Here's a close-up of Shirley, the generic baby doll in a bassinet, and Katie. Note: I made the bassinet from plastic canvas and crocheted the skirt, pillow, and blanket.
Here's Bridget and Billy. They're all so cute and huggable.
Someday soon, I'll do a post on my dolls and what I learned about collecting. Do you like dolls or have other collections? I hope you'll share. Guys, I know you collect baseball cards and other memorabilia. Feel free to jump into the discussion.
How neat! I have an old porcelain doll that belonged to my mom. She told me a story once about how her favorite doll had been broken when she was a child. I always felt so bad for her and wanted to replace that broken doll in her memories.
I was never a doll person--stuffed animals were my preference. But, I used to love building miniature dollhouse rooms.
Awwwww, Susan. Just returned from Arizona and checked your post. LOVED seeing your Mom's sweet dolls. Just adorable! Great job photographing them! I thought a couple were real babies, at first. Thanks for sharing. Susan
These dolls are beautiful. I have a china mug collection. Most of them are souvenirs from our trips. Lately our son has brought them home to me from his trips.
It started so innocently, we received one for Christmas depicting the covered bridge near the town Hubby grew up in. It mushroomed very quickly.
Wow, these are so sweet. That last one, Billy, looks almost real!
I collect cats and Madonna Inn goblets. Both are useful to my life, the cats for relaxation therapy; the goblets to put ice cream in. ahahahaaaa!!
I love this blog--it's pure fun.
Hi Jean -
Oh, how sad! My Mom had a real Shirley Temple doll when she was a child, but her toys eventually were given away. Years later, she purchased the reproduction Shirley. Those originals command a huge price.
If you go to Susan's link, she had a post on dollhouse miniatures. :)
Hi Susan -
I'm glad you were able to stop by. Mom loves those baby dolls. They're so sweet and lifelike.
Susan :)
Hi Quiet Spirit -
LOL! Oh, I know how a collection can grow. I think it only comes under control when the stuff threatens to push you out of the house. :)
Hi Jen -
I had two cats, but didn't get more when they went to kitty heaven. Good thing I didn't. Beloved was allergic and that would have been the end of the relationship.
Thanks, I'm glad you like the sandbox. :)
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