Thursday, September 30, 2010

African Violets and Mom

For as long as I can remember, my mom has had a knack for growing African Violets. The quality of this picture doesn't do her plant justice.

I thought you'd like to hear about her secrets to success.

Susan: Hi, Mom. How do you grow such gorgeous plants?

Mom: LOL! I've killed my share of them, but I've learned a few things. A good potting soil designed for African Violets is important. If the plants come in a small pot, you'll want to transplant them when they get too big for it.

Susan: How about watering?

Mom: I water my plants once a week. Always water them from the bottom, and NEVER get the leaves wet.

Susan: Yeah, remember we saw someone watering a whole display of African Violets with a sprayer. The next time we went to that store, a big sign warned employees to water from the bottom. They lost all the plants. What about feeding your African Violets?

Mom: When they're in bloom, I feed them with plant food designed for African Violets. Any nursery or major chain should have this in stock. When they stop blooming, don't feed them. They need to rest.

Susan: One last question, Mom. How much sun does an African Violet like?

Mom: A window with an eastern exposure is the best, but mine are thriving in a window facing north. African Violets don't like sun, but a lot of light.

Susan: Thanks, Mom, for your tips.

Question for You: Do you grow African Violets? Do you have a favorite color/variety?


Denise said...

Enjoyed this.

Carol J. Alexander said...

I LOVE African Violets. I have one. It NEVER blooms. I probably don't water it enough. Someone told me not to water it very often so I only do when I think of it. I'm going to try your mom's secrets. Thanks for sharing.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Denise -

Thanks for stopping by. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Carol -

African Violets come in some beautiful varieties. I love the deep purple ones, as well as the the ones with double flowers.

I hope you'll let us know if your plant blooms. :)


Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

LOVE this post Susan, reminds me of my mom who always has violets. I do not have many plants, since we travel so much... a few fakes here and there...
Thanks for this great post!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Marja -

I'm glad you enjoyed the post. My mom has had African Violets for as long as I can remember. :)


Jean Fischer said...

My grandmother and my mom both had a knack for growing African violets. When grandma died, mom adopted her plants, and when mom died, I inherited them. Sad to say, I did not have a violet thumb. I tried hard, but none survived. They're such pretty flowers, and I miss having some on my window sill.