Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Digital Camera Adventure

I've wanted one of these modern wonders ever since I started blogging. Visions of taking stunning  pictures of flowers, trees, and whatever else I needed for a graphic danced in my head.

Reality check: There's a learning curve, especially for a techy-challenged person like me. Everyone assured me it was easy as pie. Ahem.

After opening the box and reading the instructions, I still couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work. It's lens sat there, staring at me lifeless. No whirring sounds, no image on the screen - dead.

I carted it off to a local camera shop where a patient clerk discovered I'd put the batteries in wrong. Oookay. At least she didn't laugh. Of course, she did escape to another area, saying she had to look for something. Hmm. She noticed I didn't have a cable to transfer the pictures from the camera to the computer, so she sold me one. With her sticky note on how to erase the pictures on the inside cover of the box, I hurried out of the store, hoping no one overheard my silly questions.

Determined to work this thing, I took it to the Greater Philadelphia Writers Conference (hi, Marlene) and snapped pictures of my friends. Yay! My friend, Clare, cropped the pictures, and I managed to post them to the blog.

Lesson Learned: Don't let technology intimidate you. Try it, explore the features, learn by trial and error, and when all else fails, find a savvy teenager.

Spiritual Lesson Learned: When you pray for something, be prepared. There may be some assembly required.


Kristen said...

LOL! That's awesome. I love toys!!

Carol J. Alexander said...

I'm off to buy a new cell phone today. I hope I can figure it out. Although, I just discovered yesterday manuals online. Previously, I just played around with the things to learn how to use them.

Diane said...

You finally got it! Yeah!!!! :O)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Kristen -

I enjoy these inventions - once I'm past the learning curve. I'm at the point where I can upload the pictures to my computer without looking at the directions. :)


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Carol -

When my cell phone contract came due, I went to the store and asked if they had the same model phone. I had an old Nokia that worked just fine. The guy had a difficult time keeping a straight face. He informed me this model was extinct.

When looking for a replacement, the choices were staggering. My criteria: The numbers and buttons had to be big enough for me to see them without a magnifying glass. I wanted to send and receive calls. No texting capability (that's a long story).

I got the most basic model possible. I don't need to play games, go on the Internet, or take pictures. Of course, some of these features were standard, but I don't use them.

Susan :)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Diane -

Yeah, I finally got it thanks to people, who were patient enough to teach me and God, who linked me with them.

Susan :)

quietspirit said...

I have been wanting a digital camera. I don't know why I haven't gotten out and looked at them. I think I'm a little bit afraid.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Quiet Spirit -

There are many choices. I asked friends and family for recommendations and did research online.

I was looking at the Canon Power Shot, but then I got mine free. It's an Olympus and works great. You might want to try something used on Amazon or Ebay. Older models are reasonable and are a good way to learn the basics.

Susan :)